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Tips for Apartment Living with a Dog

Apartment DogApartment living can be enjoyable for both you and your furry friend. Dogs of any size and breed can adapt to living in an apartment, though some require a bit more attention. Below are a few tips for apartment living with a dog.

Walks & Runs

Exercise is important for both people and dogs. Some breeds need more exercise than others. If your dog is energetic, be sure to take it for a walk or run a couple of times a day.

Dog Parks

Take advantage of the many dog parks in Chicago. Your dog will have a chance to run unleashed and socialize with other dogs. Check out our recent blog post to learn more dog parks in the city and how to get a permit for your dog.

Take Your Dog With You Shopping!

Stores like Home Depot, Crate & Barrel, Nordstrom and many local mom & pop stores welcome leashed dogs. During warm days, many neighborhood shops will put water bowls outside for your furry friend.

Breeds that Work Well in Apartments

If you getting a new dog, choosing a breed that has mild temperament, isn’t too large, is fairly quiet and doesn’t have too much energy may be easier to take care of. Breeds that tend to work well in apartments include Affenpinscher, Bichon Frise, Bolognese, Bulldog, Chinese Crested, Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Maltese Shih Tzu, Norwich Terrier, Pug and Yorkshire Terrier.

Larger breeds that have mild temperament and fairly low energy include Borzoi, Bullmastiff, Greyhound, and Scottish Deerhound.

More information about apartment-friendly dog breeds can be found on the American Kennel Club web site.

All of Wirtz’s apartment communities are pet-friendly. We invite you to contact us to learn more about our dog-friendly apartments.