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Tony Smith Nominated for HD Supply Maintenance Person of the Year Award

Tony SmithWirtz Residential’s maintenance engineer at 2970 N Sheridan, Tony Smith, has been nominated for the HD Supply Maintenance Person of the Year Award. Regional Property Manager Cyndi Pokrzywa had this to say about Tony:

“Tony Smith has been a dedicated Wirtz Realty employee for 39 years. He is the lead engineer at 2970 N Sheridan Road, a vintage mid-rise building in Chicago. The building was built in the 1920’s so he has his fair share of maintenance issues that a new build property may not experience. Coordinating a team of six men for 407 apartments, Tony ensures all work orders are done within 48 hours. His team provides 24-hour emergency maintenance, so they never stop. Every issue involving plumbing, radiators, or appliances is done efficiently and in a timely manner thanks to Tony.

Tony is organized and knows 2970 N Sheridan inside and out. Not only is he in charge of completing the turnovers and work requests in a timely manner, he is also in charge of building cleanliness. His team is responsible for inspecting the property grounds multiple times a day and collecting garbage.

To ensure a job is complete, Tony will stay late, arrive early or work on the weekends. Additionally, he is the mentor for other up and coming engineers within the company. He will coach, teach and assist to provide his expertise for his team to advance and become more knowledgeable. Tony Smith exemplifies the meaning of accountable, hardworking, and dedicated. These and so many more reasons are why Tony Smith is the HD Maintenance Person of the Year.”